Healthy Longevity, Living Everyday with a Smile.

Although human lifespan has been increasing globally, the focus of medical research is gradually shifting towards a healthy lifespan, also known as 'longevity in health.' Unlike therapeutic drugs developed to cure diseases, many herbal medicines aim to improve the constitution of the human body to prevent diseases as much as possible.

On the other hand, as you may know, some herbal medicine ingredients are closer to health foods than medicinal herbs and are often used in 'medicinal cuisine.' When you want to get your body in good shape, it is better to consume them as appropriate nutrients. Therefore, it is expected that by utilizing the abandoned farmland scattered around the region for the local production and consumption of medicinal herbs, we can achieve a positive cycle for the regional economy.

We, JAPAN KAMPO INC. aim to extend the healthy lifespan of our customers as much as possible, and provide comprehensive support for health maintenance through the development and promotion of new Kampo medicines. Furthermore, with the promotion of the Japanese Kampo pharmaceutical industry as our mission, we are actively working on local production and consumption of ingredients, aiming for the co-benefits of 'healthy longevity' and 'regional contribution.' As we promote human healthy longevity, we will continue to strive for the sustainable development of the company.

June 2023
President and Representative Director

Kou Kiyotoshi