Manufacturing and Quality Control
The First Principle of Management

Our unique inspection standards that go beyond the strict American standards

In order to deliver safe and reliable products, we thoroughly implement quality control, setting high standards for ourselves.

Commitment to Safety and Peace of Mind

  • Product Development

    Based on the concept of "bringing out the goodness of the ingredients" from traditional Chinese medicine, we are committed to product development from the perspective of our customers.

  • Manufacturing

    We value 'each and every pill' that reaches the hands of our customers. We have a manufacturing system that does not allow even a single defect in our tablets.

  • Quality Inspection

    The Quality Control Department and Quality Assurance Room work together to improve quality every day.

  • Distribution

    We thoroughly manage our products in the distribution process to ensure that their quality and safety are not compromised.

  • Support

    We strive to create better products based on the feedback from our customers.