Under the concept of "bringing out the goodness of ingredients" based on traditional Chinese medicine,
we are committed to creating products from the perspective of our customers.

At Japan Kampo Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., we are committed to the concept of "bringing out the goodness of ingredients" from traditional Chinese medicine and are constantly developing products with the idea of "products that can contribute to customers" that change with the times.
We listen to the voices of our customers who have purchased the products we have developed, improve them to make them better, and always strive for the best without complacency.

Prototype & Testing

Development Focused on Customer Concerns

Needs Survey & Market Analysis

What are the customers worried about? It is necessary to clarify the changing concerns of customers at any given time by conducting a needs survey. Additionally, we consider how we can contribute to solving those concerns and create a concrete plan.
Next, we verify through market analysis how the materialized concept exists in the market and whether it is being properly delivered to customers. After determining that our company can contribute, we proceed with product development.

Collection of Raw Material Information

Uncompromising Dedication to Quality Materials

Auditing up to the place of raw material production

After verifying the information on raw materials, there may be cases where we actually go to the site and audit the supplier if necessary. As the procurement sources for raw materials are spread all over the world, we actively travel overseas to firmly confirm whether the production is being done as per the information on the raw materials and whether the quality management system is established.

Collecting information through tests
and audits to confirm the safety of raw materials.

There is a time lag from the production of the product to its delivery to the customer, including not only logistics but also the period of time it is on the store shelves. For example, if the expiration date is 3 years, the test to confirm the passing of these 3 years is called "time-lapse testing". The test is carried out using an accelerator that can speed up the time-lapse by adjusting the temperature and humidity. In addition, tests are conducted to check for changes under high and low temperature conditions, such as 50℃ to 0℃, to see if microbes have increased or harmful substances have been generated. We believe that various tests and investigations are necessary, especially for health foods that are primarily made up of health ingredients.

Experts with specialized knowledge gather
and pay attention to unexpected cases as well.

Implementation of "Review meeting on safety and validity of raw materials and products".

While the person in charge of the raw material is responsible for checking the information of the raw material, checks are also conducted by other stakeholders, including the quality assurance department and the regulatory affairs department. For example, if the raw material is related to the sea, we are also considering safety and validity for items that cannot be fully checked with the normal format, such as the need to pay attention to marine pollution.

Product Packaging Display

From the customer's perspective, confirm the display thoroughly.

Create the display by actually using the product.

The displays such as "how to consume" and "precautions" are created after actually using the product. We strive to provide appropriate package displays, standing from the same perspective as our customers, and making sure the expressions do not cause misunderstandings.

Display in accordance with various laws and regulations.

We strive to provide displays that are easy for customers to understand, while paying attention to laws and regulations such as the Food Sanitation Act, the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act, and the Premium Labeling Act. For the content, we compare with documents such as raw material information sheets, and check if there is any overlooked allergy information, in addition to complying with laws and regulations.