We strive to make better products based on feedback from our customers.

Receiving inquiries means that there was information that was not conveyed through the product package alone. At our customer consultation office, we not only respond to various inquiries, but also work to utilize their content in the creation of our next products.

Inquiry Response

A representative with reliable knowledge will respond to you in a kind and polite manner.

About how to consume, the origin,
radiation, residual pesticides, and sales stores.

Our customer consultation office receives various inquiries and consultations. For example, about "how to consume". If it is written on the package as "3 tablets a day", we receive inquiries like "Should I divide the 3 tablets into several times, or should I take 3 tablets at once?" In such cases, we provide careful guidance while asking about the customer's situation. Also, when we receive inquiries about the origin, radiation, and residual pesticides, we collaborate with the planning and development department and the central research lab, and if necessary, we conduct analyses and tests in-house. In addition, we sometimes receive inquiries about sales stores, and we provide information about the customer's nearest store, mail-order companies, and online shopping sites.

A professional with specialized qualifications
will assist you at the counter.

The customer service representatives in our consultation office have obtained the qualification of Supplement Manager. These professionals, who hold qualifications to support customers who use health foods, will assist you. In addition, we have pharmacists on staff who can respond to cases that require academically grounded knowledge.

Sharing Customer Feedback

We share customer feedback with all departments within our company to create better products.

We share customer feedback
with all departments within our company.

The system is designed so that information such as inquiries and claims received by the customer consultation office can be shared simultaneously with everyone from top management to departmental personnel. We sincerely accept the voices of our customers and use them to improve and refine our products.

Actual Improvements Based on Customer Feedback

We utilize it for product improvement.


Originally, we were printing the expiration date on the shrink part of the product, but we received feedback from customers saying, "If I peel off and discard the shrink part, I won't know the expiration date." In response to this, we improved our process by printing the date directly on the cap instead.

Iron & Calcium Wafers

Our Iron & Calcium Wafers are popular among children. We've received inquiries asking, "What is the appropriate amount for a child to eat?" In response, we have added information on the recommended amount of calcium for each age group on the back of the package.

Clam-Infused Oyster Turmeric + Ornithine

We received feedback from customers that the pills were too large and difficult to swallow, so we changed the size from 400 mg per pill to 300 mg per pill.