The quality management department and quality assurance room are united, working daily to improve quality.

At Japanese Kampo Pharmaceuticals, to ensure that our customers can use our products with confidence, the Quality Management Department and Quality Assurance Room work together to manage quality at every stage, from the acceptance of raw materials to the use of the products. We aim for a high level of quality control that is integrated with the manufacturing site, based on the "actual site", "reality", and "actual products".

Hygiene Management

To "not accept", "not produce", and "not release" defective products.

Testing for raw materials and products.

In the Quality Management Department, we conduct various tests from the acceptance of raw materials to product shipment, and carry out thorough management to ensure that no defective products are accepted, produced, or shipped from the factory. We use equipment analysis such as HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry), AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer), as well as microbiological tests and sensory tests, to carry out our own quality checks on all raw materials used in the factory. We also conduct strict inspections on our products to ensure they comply with set standards.

Maintain analytical accuracy with meticulous
maintenance and inspection.

The management system is also crucial to maintain the accuracy of analytical equipment. At Japanese Kampo Pharmaceuticals, we regularly request external specialized institutions to inspect equipment and calibrate scales and sensors. In addition, we conduct monthly regular inspections and daily inspections before use, maintaining a thorough maintenance system to ensure the accuracy of our analysis.

Manufacturing Management

Unified with the manufacturing department, efforts towards safety.

Each factory is proactively engaged in 5S activities and general hygiene management.
These activities, such as tidying up, hand washing, equipment and facility management, pest control, and so on, are not particularly difficult on their own, but it's not easy to continuously and thoroughly implement all of them.
In the quality management department, we conduct activities such as maintaining sanitary conditions through site inspections, providing hand washing instructions to employees, and holding study sessions aimed at more advanced hygiene management. The quality management department and the manufacturing department are working together to create products.

Quality Inspection

In order to provide our customers with peace of mind and safety.

There may be times when the inquiries and consultations received by our quality assurance department from customers require analysis. In such cases, we perform analysis using tools such as FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer) and microscopes, and also collaborate with third-party organizations to ensure we are fully prepared.